International MOS-AK Workshop , Beijing, China June 14-16, 2018

Invited talks (15th -16th . June, 45min for each): 不分先后

                Prof. Mansun Chan ----Compact Models for Giga-Scale Memory System

Dr. Axel Huelsmann----mHEMT based MMICs, Modules, and Systems for mmWave and Sub-mmWave Applications

         Dr. Pete Zampardi--Understanding Gaps in III-V HBT Modeling and Simulation

Dr. Lifeng Wu- A Full Design Flow Solution for OLED Flat Panel Display

  Prof. Yan Wang- An Angelov Large signal Model and its Parameter extraction Strategy for GaAs HEMT

Prof. XiangWei Jiang- Recent development of first-principle approach for computational nanoelectronics


Prof. Mansun Chan,received his BS in Electrical Engineering and Compute Science with highest honors from the University of California at San Diego and then completed his MS and PhD at the University of California at Berkeley.  At Berkeley, was one of the major contributors to the unified BSIM model for SPICE, which has been accepted by most US companies and the Compact Model Council (CMC) as the first industrial standard MOSFET model. Subsequently, he joined the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include emerging nano-device technologies, 2-D device for flexible electronics, Artificial Neural Network devices and applications, new-generation memory technology, BioNEMS, device modeling and ultra-low power circuit techniques. Between July 2001 and December 2002, he was a Visiting Professor at University of California at Berkeley and the Co-director of the BSIM program. He is currently still consulting on the development of the next generation compact models.

Prof. Chan has been actively contributing to the professional community and hold many positions.  He is a Board of Governor, Chair of the Education Committee, the Chair of the Region 10 subcommittee and a Distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Electron Device Society.  He has also chaired many international conferences and acting as editors for a number of technical journals.  In addition, he has received many awards including the UC Regents Fellowship, Golden Keys Scholarship for Academic Excellence, SRC Inventor Recognition Award, Rockwell Research Fellowship, R&D 100 award (for the BSIM3v3 project), Distinguished Teaching Award, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation awards, the IEEE EDS Education Award etc. He is a Fellow of HKIE, IET and IEEE.

Dr. Axel Huelsmann, received his diploma degree in solid state electronics from RWTH-Aachen, Germany in 1986 and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from TU-Munich in 1994. With some interruption he was with Fraunhofer-IAF in Freiburg, Germany from 1986 to 2018 working on lasers, HEMTs, MMICs, and millimeter wave systems based on III-V semiconductors. From 2001 to 2003 he was vice president of MergeOptics GmbH in Berlin developing high bitrate fiberoptic transceivers and from 2005 to 2007 he was head of R&D at Z-Laser Optoelektronik GmbH in Freiburg developing projection lasers for industrial and medical applications. From 2007 to February 2018 he was head of the Microelectronic systems group ME-SY at Fraunhofer-IAF developing millimeter wave sensors and radars up to 300 GHz. Dr. Huelsmann is now founding the start-up company OndoSense GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, which is developing commercial available millimeter wave sensors and radars for industrial, scientific and medical applications. 

Dr. P.J. Zampardi, B.E. degree from Stevens Tech (1986), M.S. degree from Caltech (1988), and PhD from UCLA (1997).   From 1986-1990 he worked on optics (Caltech/Rockwell), investigating material for visible light emitters, modeling and testing optical gyroscopes, and developing/characterizing optical filters.  From 1990-1998 he focused on high-speed device, high-speed circuit development, characterization, and modeling in various technologies (HBT, HEMT, RTD).  In 1999, he led the technical development for SiGe RF models for AMS Foundry at IBM, Vermont.  From 2000-2012, he worked on PA technologies - leading the device design, modeling, and characterization of all aspects of SWKS Newbury Park technologies:  from epi-design to circuit design support and technology comparisons.   His current role, in Corporate Advanced Development for Qorvo (formerly RFMD), since 2013, is as the liaison between advanced technology development and the design communities including continued technology development activities.  Dr. Zampardi has authored or co-authored over 200 papers related to devices, circuits, and modeling.  He is an active participant on executive and technical committees for  Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium (CSICS) and  Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM).  He currently holds twenty-six U.S. patents.

Dr. Lifeng Wu,  received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China and was a postdoctoral at University of Washington, Seattle and at University of California at Berkeley. Currently, Dr. LifengWu  serves as Sr. VP at Huada Empyrean, leading company business development and AMS product line. He was most recently VP at ProPlus Design Solutions, leading Spice modeling product line.  Previously, he also served as Engineering Group Director in charge of circuit simulation product line development in Cadence, and VP at BTA/Celestry in charge of circuit reliability simulation and physical verification product line.

Dr. Xiangwei Jiang, received his PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from Institute of Semiconductors (IOS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. During his study for PhD degree, he developed a million-atom quantum simulator for silicon transistors based on empirical pseudopotential theory. He continued working on semiconductor quantum device physics after graduation in 2010, first as an assistant professor in IOS, and then as an associate professor since 2015. From 2012 to 2013, he worked in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) as a visiting postdoctoral (funded by LBNL), where he developed a massive parallel algorithm (small-box FFT) for large scale orbital-free density functional theory (OFDFT) which was then implemented in Princetons PROFESS software for million-atom OFDFT simulation. His current research interests include modeling and simulation of steep-slope low-power transistors, CMOS reliability, and development of petascale density-functional theory for massive numerical simulation of modern transistors.

Professor Yan Wang, her research direction is deep sub-micron device and nanoelectronic device modeling, microwave / millimeter wave integrated circuit design. Born in 1967, Professor and  Ph.D. supervisor of Tsinghua University. In April 1995, she received Doctor degree in semiconductor physics and devices from the semiconductor Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He entered the Institute of microelectronics in Tsinghua University in 1999 and was promoted to Professor in 2004, became head of Model simulation and CAD technology team. Currently, she is deputy editor in chief for Journal of Computational Electronics; deputy director of Chinese Simulation Association integrated microsystem modeling and simulation Specialized Committee; a guest researcher of the Institute of electronic engineering, Institute of Chinese Engineering Physics, editor of the Journal of electronic devices. The research area is deep submicron devices and nano electronic device modeling and EDA tools development, microwave / millimeter wave integrated circuit design. As a project leader, he has undertaken a number of 973, 863, major national science and technology projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects and commissioned scientific research projects. More than 100 academic papers have been published in famous periodicals and conferences home and abroad, and the students have won the best paper award of international conferences many times under her guidance.