International MOS-AK Workshop , XiAn, China August 11-13, 2021


地址:陕西省 西安市 高新开发区高新路46



Other hotels(其他酒店):


西安, 雁塔区, 雁塔区太白南路363号广电网络大厦9-14

 Traffic guidance(交通):

 1. Xianyang International Airport(西安咸阳国际机场):Taxi is the most convenient way to come to Xidian University. The Address is No.2, South Taibai Road, Xi’an, 710071. If the taxi driver couldn't understand English, it is better to show the Chinese address "西安电子科技大学(北校区)" printed on paper or on your phone. The taxi fee may be ~ ¥120 (RMB).

2. Subway (高铁):Subway 2 change to Subway 3 will bring you to the closest subway station TAIBAINANLU (太白南路),then you need to walk to Xidian University. 

3. Airport bus 机场巴士):Airport bus will directly bring you to Ziction Liberal Hotel西安志诚丽柏酒店.