International MOS-AK Workshop , NanJing,  12-13th August, 2023

会议场所: 南京邮电大学青春剧场

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Youth Theatre




Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 9 Wenyuan Road, Qixia District, Nanjing 

Traffic guidance


Nanjing Lukou International Airport(禄口国际机场): A taxi is the recommended way to NJUPT. The Address is Xianlin Campus: No.9, Wenyuan Rode, Nanjing Yadong New Town, 210003. If the taxi driver couldn't understand English, it is better to show the Chinese address "南京邮电大学 (仙林校区)" printed on paper or on your phone. The taxi fee may be ~¥190 (RMB).

Intercity train ()You can choose a subway transfer and it is Subway 1 to the Xinjiekou station (新街口)+ Subway 2 will bring you to the closest subway station Xianlin Central (仙林中), then you need to take taxi or bus 325/50 to NJUPT.